How do I make data public or private?

In the process of developing and publishing your digital catalogue raisonné or archive, data can be in different states of preparation. Use the visibility and editorial statuses to ensure your publishing process runs smoothly.

Data can be sensitive. It might contain personal or classified information that cannot be shared publicly. In the process of publishing you might decide that some data can be widely accessible and other data should stay private. The visibility status for individual fields are here to help.

  • Private. Set the visibility status to private when data should not be publicly visible. As long as the status remains private, the data will not be visible in the online publication.
  • Public. Set the visibility status to public when data should be publicly visible. When the status is set to public, the data will be visible in the online publication.

Here is a one-minute video demonstrating how to change a setting from public to private in the platform.

You can leave all of the data stored on the platform in private or public mode — it’s up to you and your goals. You can also change the visibility on every art event and entry at any time. 

It’s important to remember that you own all of the data stored on the platform and, therefore, are liable for maintaining its privacy when necessary. You’re fully responsible for its implications. has no ownership or other claim with respect to the data on the platform and is only responsible for running and maintaining the platform.


We recommend integrating these statuses into your workflow from the beginning of your digital catalogue raisonné or archive project. It will help the publishing process run more smoothly when you’re ready to share your research with the globe. 


Last updated: October 12, 2023